Seana's Words

My friend, Seana Murphy, wrote me last night in response to the words in yesterday's posting.
Here is what she said:
I too experience existential agony over the deaths of those named to us
through relationship and half hearted media and those unnamed to us and
the demanding question of the cross-the scriptures-what are we called to
do? What are we called to freaking do? Rufus would say that we are
called like the story of the cross to die and to live again-thus the
question how do we-members of a community of faith-like the named and
unnamed-resurrect when the flagrant loss smolders in the ashes that was
once home-that once held the lives that are now gone?
There are no real answers-no good ones-take to the streets! In the
spirit of those gone due to faulty functions of other humans-burn down
the establishment? My Black Panther rhetoric fails me because like you
and the named and unnamed who loved them-my heart is broken? What do we
do-as remaining children of God? We call upon each other-to call their
names-in our own way-in our own time.
I call their names in this poem-I call their names with a sadness that
is all too familiar and a superficial hope in the promise of my
ancestors-that they are in a better place-and I call their names with a
love for community that still burns-and I call your name-because when
hurt like this strikes the soul-your name too must be called-your
spirit-passion-hope-restored in the calling-in your calling-and in love.
Allyson, did you know
Someone said your name was French
Meaning..of noble kind
Music once moved your feet to dance
Will you dance again?
You must have known the weight of
Your foremother-birth mother of Jesus
The irony-the greatest pain-other mothers
Witnessed-some cried out-some silently wept
As you-like Mary's son-were taken away from us
Will you rise again?
Will you meet Ms. Allyson of great nobility
And dance?
Evon, someone said your name meant fighter
Your desire to remain independent
Your power to say I can still stay here
Your imagination!
You reached back in time and remembered that
Before there was gas and electricity-there was simplicity
Covers and conversations by candlelight
Will you, and Allyson, and Mary converse tonight?
A writer said your name meant BOLD
Rhyming with gold..the precious chameleon metal
Changing form with temperature-liquid-solid-liquid
Smiles changed, hugs changed, walks & talks changed
A gap in time exists between each-each changed because of you
Will you, and Allyson, and Mary, and Evon
Smile, hug, walk & talk together-
Fill in the time that once held you here?
Did you know that your name was hidden in the stars?
Did you know your brilliance?
Your name-stars-irony-existence
Your name, now your flesh, your spirit-hidden in
The stars
Will you and Valarie, and Allyson, and Mary, and Evon
Playfully collide in the sky-display the light that
Is missing down here?
Arneshia, beauty waiting in bloom
Spring is just around the corner and we wait for
You, Valarie, Allyson, Mary, Evon, and Porsha to
Rise again in our hearts
Through a song, a dance, a smell, a taste, a touch, a sound, a vision, a
A something
A anything
Remind us-through calling of your names
Remind us-of the power-Evon-
Remind us of the Boldness-Valarie
Remind us of the Brillance-Porsha
Remind us of the Nobility-Allyson
Remind us of the Beauty-Arneshia
Remind us of the Dance-Mary (Mother of Jesus)
Remind us of the Dance
Amazing. Lord, please let these girls dwell in us. And thank you for the poet/prophets among us who are able to prime the pump of experience for the rest of us.
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